Terms of service.
In this Service Agreement, the wording terms “Aristocracy Auto LLC” may be referred to as “Aristocracy Auto” or “we” and it will pertain to its employees, managers, & members. “You” and “your” will refer to yourself as the ”customer”, “client”, or anyone acting on your behalf which includes agents, friends, or family members. The Service performed on your vehicle will be referred to and considered to be a “detail”, “wash”, “service”, “repair”, “paint correction”, “window tint”, “headlight restoration”, or any other Service stated on our website.
Aristocracy Auto will not accept a job without a signed “Service Agreement” by the Customer. By obtaining any of our services, you agree to the Terms of this Agreement, without modification to you.
All prices and pricing are there to give you, the customer, an idea of the cost for each particular service and are not the “Total Cost” or final agreed-upon price. All Final Costs will be provided in writing on one of our Service Orders at the time of visual inspection (good for up to 5 days as long as conditions remain the same) or upon drop-off of the Vehicle at our shop.
All Reservations and the time allocated for each service is an estimate and the actual service performed by us may vary depending on the condition of the vehicle and/or unforeseen delays. The actual service may take less or more time.
Any service requested by you will be placed in writing on one of our Service Orders. Any changes or requests must be approved in writing in person or by email before the service is performed. Any changes made in writing or verbally will not in any way affect or change the terms of this agreement.
A non-refundable $25.00 Deposit is required in order to reserve a time for any and all services at the time of booking whether it be in person or on online unless waived by Aristocracy Auto on the Service Order. The balance is due upon completion of any and all services. You will lose your deposit if you do not reschedule or cancel the appointment within 24 hours.
Deposits and Payments can be made in Cash, Check, Credit Card, Paypal, Venmo, Cash App, and Zelle. Checks must be made out to Aristocracy Auto LLC.
There will be a $50.00 fee for non-sufficient funds on a check. You agree to pay the cost of a collection without limitation for reasonable fees which may include attorney fees, interest, and court costs.
By signing this agreement you understand the Ohio Revised Code Section 13011.12 which states that, in the event that the contract is breached and payment is not received, an affidavit for mechanics’ lien may be filed to place a lien on You, the customer. You, the customer, will be responsible for any incurred expenses which can include repossession fees.
Aristocracy Auto Services are performed by appointment only and it is very difficult to fill an appointment within 24 hours.
Rescheduled appointments must be made within 24 hours of the appointment time.
Cancellations made will forfeit the $25.00 deposit.
Deposits for services are $25.00 to reserve appointment slot time and are non-refundable.
Due to the fact that our service facility has limited space, each vehicle that is not picked up by the end of closing hours one day later than completion of the service, will be subject to $50 per day for storage fees unless a fee waiver is approved and agreed upon by a manager.
You, the owner, or renter, or borrower must obtain and maintain motor vehicle insurance coverage which includes physical damage, and will not hold us, Aristocracy Auto liable for any damage to the vehicle in any event.
Aristocracy Auto will not be liable for incidental, consequential or punitive damage under any circumstances.
Aristocracy Auto will not be liable for any loss or damage due the exposure of natural elements, terrorist acts, invasion, insurrection, riot, civil war or by military or usurped power or by order of any government or governmental authority or any other circumstance beyond our control.
Aristocracy Auto will not be liable for any loss or damage to the vehicle, or injury to persons in or about the vehicle by reason of use or operation of the vehicle by the owner or other persons not employed by Aristocracy Auto.
Aristocracy Auto will not be liable for any mechanical damage to the vehicle in the event of normal operations by Aristocracy Auto such as, any necessary operation of Your motor vehicle.
We must provide each and every customer an initial, written Estimate or Service Order Form once the vehicle has been visually inspected by us which will provide you with a total cost and time estimate for the service requested. Our written Estimates are good for up to 5 days as long as the vehicle’s condition does not change between the time of inspection and the scheduled appointment.
Aristocracy Auto strives to provide you with the best customer service possible. We require that each person does a final walk-through inspection of the vehicle before the vehicle leaves our premises so that we may address any possible concerns or issues that you may have. Aristocracy Auto will not be held responsible for any concerns that are not mentioned during the final inspection.
Aristocracy Auto will do our best to perform each service to the best of our knowledge, resources, time, and equipment capabilities but we cannot guarantee any of our services will completely restore the vehicle to a new condition.
Depending on the service requested, you might have to sign a separate agreement that entails care information, warranties, etc., at the time of service appointment.
Please remove all items from the vehicle including any and all compartments. If we find any items during the service being performed, we will place the items in a container, box, or bag and put the container, box, or bag inside of the vehicle once the service is performed. You agree to not hold Aristocracy Auto responsible for damage or loss to any item left inside or outside of the vehicle. You agree to hold Aristocracy Auto harmless for any lost or stolen property from the vehicle while in our care.
Please remove any handicap equipment and child safety seats before the service appointment. In order to perform our services, we might have to remove such items/equipment and will not be held responsible for the re-installation of handicap equipment, child safety seats, and or any other aftermarket parts.
Some services may require the removal of components of the vehicle. To do our best work, pieces like plastic trim and other components may be removed and reinstalled and Aristocracy Auto will not be held liable for any damages done to the components.
I agree that Aristocracy Auto may use photographs, images, or video of me and my property with or without including my name for any lawful purpose such as publicity, illustration, advertising, website, and social media content for marketing purposes only.
Aristocracy Auto will provide you with a written order form and will take pictures of the existing conditions of your vehicle. You agree to not hold Aristocracy Auto liable for any previous damages that may have occurred before dropping the vehicle off at our facility.
“I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Aristocracy Auto, its Managers, Members, Agents, Successors, Employees, and Assigns from any and all claims that I and/or any attending family or child under my guardianship, may have to arise out of participation in the volunteer activities, regardless of whether such liability may arise solely out of negligence or carelessness on the part of Aristocracy Auto.” By signing this Service Agreement, you agree to hold Aristocracy Auto harmless of any damage or claims whatsoever to the vehicle, regardless of whether such damage or claims arise solely out of negligence or recklessness on the part of Aristocracy Auto while in our care.